I'm an AI research scientist with a technical research background in computer audition, computational paralinguistics and affective computing.
In 2021 I completed my PhD in Computer Science at the University of Augsburg, Germany.
My PhD thesis title was "Computer Audition for Emotional Wellbeing", and I was supervised by Dr. Björn Schuller

Currently, I'm working as an AI research scientist at Hume AI in New York.

2021, PhD Computer Science, (Magna Cum Laude), Universität Augsburg, DE
2016, MFA, Columbia University, NY, USA
2013, BA, London Metropolitan University, UK

Related Employment
2021 - Present, Senior AI Research Scientist, Hume AI
2018 - 2021, Scientific Researcher, Embedded Intelligence for Healthcare and Wellbeing Group, Universität Augsburg
2016 - 2018, Scientific Researcher, Complex Intelligent Systems Group, Universität Passau

Publications (scholar)